May 22, 2019
The Politics of Intellectual Property
No matter your political party, just about everyone can agree that international IP protection is a problem that needs solving. The current administration is putting pressure on China that the country has never faced before.
May 15, 2019
Is It the Right Time to Switch IP Firms?
All lawyers may have an advanced degree behind their names, but lawyers and law firms aren’t one-size-fits-all. With any professional service — your accountant, your insurance company, your bank — you choose the service provider not only because it’s the right fit for your business needs, but also due to more subjective considerations such as your personality and values.
May 8, 2019
Almost Infamous: Separating Your Product From Defective Brands
In late 2015, Segway, maker of the famous two-wheeled, self-balancing scooter, sued a company called Swagway, then-producer of a motorized transporter called Hovertrax — aka, a hoverboard. Swagway’s hoverboards were reported to cause fires and injuries (which they were already being sued for). Compounding the negative coverage were the many problematic hoverboard knockoffs.
May 1, 2019
Design Arounds Could Be a Lifesaver for Your Next Product and Patent
A design around means developing your product with existing patents in mind and adding consumer value with new innovation. The starting point for this process is a patent search.
April 24, 2019
Cybersquatting: What To Do When Someone Is Holding Your Brand’s Domain Hostage
Just because someone else owns a domain with your trademark or brand name in it doesn’t mean it’s cybersquatting. Domain investing is permitted, so long is there is no bad faith intent, which can be a fine line.
April 17, 2019
What Lawyers and Clients Need to Know About the Use of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence as it is starting to be employed is certainly new technology. You have to be aware that it is essentially the proverbial “robot” doing stuff, not a person. There are going to be glitches. But, in one sense, we have always had automated systems doing “stuff” for us so it is not unexpected that these systems are making their way into the legal industry.
April 10, 2019
Keeping Competitors Away From Your Game-changing Product
Clients see a competing product with similar functionality to their own and immediately believe it’s a copy, even if the competitor developed the functionality independently. At that point, they don’t care how the attorneys deal with the situation — the attorneys are expected to find a way to shut down the knockoff.