May 6, 2020
Brexit and What It Means For IP Rights
Brexit officially occurred on January 31st, 2020, with an 11-month transition period to allow companies to get the correct IP agreements in place.
April 22, 2020
3 Famous IP Disputes You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (But Probably Should Have)
What's famous to an IP attorney might not be well-known to the general public. There are cases that we are familiar with because they serve as great examples or set wide-ranging precedents for the rights of IP holders.
Here are three famous cases we think you should know about.
April 15, 2020
Lessons from the Tank: What Shark Tank Can Teach You About IP Protection
It was the kind of public exposure that most entrepreneurs can only dream of. First, Emma Cohen's company, Final Straw, took off on Kickstarter, ultimately raising $1.6 million on the crowdfunding site. Then, she landed a coveted chance to present her reusable, collapsible straw on ABC's Shark Tank. Two groups of impressed Sharks made her an offer.
That's when things started to go wrong. Very wrong.
April 8, 2020
Can You Own A Meme?
In what has been dubbed the "ultimate boomer power move," Fox has filed a trademark application for the phrase, OK, Boomer. Their filing lays out Fox's intent to use the phrase with a reality, comedy, or game show.
January 22, 2020
Having Disrupted Online Shopping, Amazon Turns Its Sights to IP
In terms of trademark protections, Amazon built a great fortress with its Brand Registry. However, the company's latest foray into the IP process, IP Accelerator, may just have blown a hole in its walls.
January 8, 2020
The Right Team
Having been involved in a start-up as an engineer and having worked closely with start-ups as an IP attorney since 2006, I’ve come to realize there are four “pillars” that determine whether a startup will ultimately be successful: Capital, Idea, Team, and Timing.
December 18, 2019
Hashtags, Memes, and Emojis: The Landscape of #IP on Social Media
The internet and social media offer incredible marketing opportunities for businesses, but proceed with caution to avoid legal landmines! Here are a few tips for navigating potential IP issues with memes, hashtags, and emojis.
November 20, 2019
Is Your Startup Making These Mistakes With Your IP?
When new companies are moving forward with a product at a rapid pace, some of the last things on their minds are details like patents, inventorship, and other intellectual property matters.